Back to school and back to work! While August was slower than normal, September is definitely busier than normal. Our buyer clients are out in full swing, still cautious but happy about the growing selection of homes for sale. Sellers have some tough competition out there in many, but not all, communities. The number of detached homes and condos being listed continues to increase at a steady pace this September, contrary to what we've experienced in recent months.

In North Vancouver all market areas (detached, attached and apartment condos) are up in value from last year while in Vancouver and West Vancouver, condos are marginally down in value. Not bad considering our somewhat slumpy summer... at least the weather was awesome!

Sellers: be realistic about your asking price and prepare your home for showings. Buyers: understand what a home's actual value is. Consult your Realtor® and research comparable (sold) properties before making an offer. vancouver_stats_may_2012

vancouver_real_estate_trend_may_2012Stats are provided by the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver; feel free to view the complete REBGV Stats Package for August, 2012 on their website.

Posted by Kerri Demski - PREC on


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