If you're getting ready to buy or sell your home this spring, you definately don't want to miss out on our latest contest. We have four prize packages to be won! Don't forget to check out the latest North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Vancouver listings.

remaxhometeamImagine renovating that dated bathroom you've been meaning to get to... or maybe you've had your eye on a new LCD TV or dining set for your new pad? The possibilities are endless!

To enter the RE/MAX Home Team Contest fill in the entry form for your chance to win one of four incredible prizes including CASH, The Brick Gift Cards and an All Weather Windows Package.


Grand Prize (x1): Consists of one $10,000 RE/MAX Home Improvement Package

  • One (1) $5,000 RE/MAX Home Improvement Prize which…

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According to the Canadian Real Estate Association’s (CREA) news release yesterday, the national average price for homes sold in February 2011, increased by 8.8% compared to the previous month. However, if you take Vancouver out of the mix, it drops to 3.4%. In addition to a strong pre-spring market, there have been a record number of multi-million dollar sales in Vancouver resulting in bidding wars.

shaughnessy_houseIn Vancouver, looking at detached properties over the 3 million dollar mark, the community with the highest level of activity is Shaughnessy. In February there were 18 homes sold between $3,045,000 and $7,850,000. The total amount of real estate sold was just under 77 million; the average price being $4,277,000. Three of these homes sold in multiple offer…

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If you would like to donate $5 dollars for Japan to the Red Cross, simply use your phone to text the word 'ASIA' to 30333. For more information please visit: http://www.mobilegiving.ca or http://www.mobileegiving.org

The search for lost loved ones in Japan continues and five days later, there is no idea of the true toll of this disaster. In areas like Izumi, nobody knows how many were swept away. The number is in the thousands, perhaps 15,000.

Teams of soldiers, firemen and international rescuers are combing through the wreckage left by the 9.0 quake and subsequent waves of terror in towns and villages along the east coast. But on Wednesday, snow started falling making the job of searching even harder and our donations even more timely.


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For the past two months, the number of properties listed and those sold on the Multiple Listing Service® in Greater Vancouver crushed the 10-year average. Residential sales of detached, attached and apartment properties in February, 2011 increased by 70% over January, 2011 and 25% compared to February 2010.

Simply broken out, Vancouver home sales look like this:

Greater Vancouver Area February, 2011 February, 2010 February, 2009
Detached Units Sold 1,402 489 1,206
Attached Units Sold 983 416
Apartment Condo Units Sold 587 243 650

The benchmark price for detached properties in Vancouver increased 6% from February 2010 to $848,645; attached increased 2.3% to $507,118 and condos increased 2.2% to…

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